Wednesday, February 25, 2009
*.* 25 february 2009 *.*
25 February 2009
Time fast feb wan end liao....This few days i dun noe what happen to me luh. Been very down tis few days... i tink is becuz some of the things i tink...Now i noe i am someone that always cheer other people up but dun noe how to cheer myself or share my problems wif my friends. I find it retarded like that. today same thing happen again... Bad mood after school... i dun noe what the problem. Mayb is something bah.
Today school normal normal lor. E maths gt short test. then after that PE played Basketball. oh man. Basketball really rox...haha i owned. lol...then after that normal lessons which i dun wanna talk abt though....cuz is really per normal nth much abt it... i have been doing wrong things...i dun noe what the heck problem is wif me. haiz.
Oh ya...Thanks Ms Leanna for the Kit Kat and the note. i feel that is really true to me...Once again Thanks Ms Leanna...Tmr, friday and Sat gt Cest La Vie... Finally...It would be my first time performing in Cest La Vie. But too bad my parent ain't coming. haiz. My triathlon event coming soon....I really hope that after my Cest La Vie i will chiong my training...heeee
Songtat~Happy? Bad mood? or what?
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 3:55 AM

Saturday, February 21, 2009
*.* 21 November 2009 *.*
21 November 2009
Hiii blogging again...Sec 3 like is really a big jump for me...i am like so stress...dun noe what to do....Studies!!! CCA!!! Love life? Is all killing me...i dun noe what to do nw....stress until ytd i go sku emo...haiz...dun noe what to do seriously....Cca is getting crazier...what Cest La vie and SYF....argh...Love life... i dun noe what to up on u? or nt?okok that all....
Songtat~giving up on u or everything and etc?
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 2:26 AM

Monday, February 16, 2009
*.* 16 February 2009 *.*
16 February 2009
I find that i have been neglecting my blog....haha...So will try to blog more ya...Today went sku at 7.45am...haha...shiok sia...can reach later cuz ytd i had my syf try out at SCH which was quite ok....The Mr Glosz ask me to eat MORE!!! haha...I Will NEVER EVER forget what he said to me...LOL...EAT MORE!!! I eat so much but nv grow...WEIRD! haha....Then today lesson as usual....New Seating Arrangement...I sat wif a girl that is hyper...named, amalina...haha...then i gt back my A MATHS result....It was damn lousy....i failed...haiz...then after recess was chemistry....we had test....the test is okok lor....some question difficult and some nt so. then after that was geography...then lesson blah blah blah...
I DID SOMETHING TODAY WHICH WAS NT MEANT TO BE DONE...Why am i so despo? Am i really stress? Why cant i jus control? why am i so stupid to do it? i tot ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY? 2 years ago it was done and i was guilty and i tot i wld nt do it again...But why is it nw i did it again? Havent had i learnt my lesson? Song Tat, PLS WAKE UP! haiz...I am really guilty... SHIT MAN!
Today Band was ok lor...NT bad...Sectional all the way. It was great, But b4 that i had english remedial then i go band at abt 3plus then eat my lunch till 4plus then play till 5.30pm then go home...shiok...haha...ok that it...
Songtat~falling in love wif u...When u r down i wld be hurt. When u r nt in sku i am worried. I am loving u more and more each day. Dun be sad wif whatever the person said to u. Jus chill and try ur best!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 3:19 AM

Saturday, February 14, 2009
*.* 14 February 2009 *.*
14 February 2009
Happy Valentine Day To ALL!!!
today woke up then did some homework then go band...BAND WAS GREAT!!! was really great....then after band go e hub....then eat and play arcade...then after that i ......................(SECRET)=X
OK THAT ALL I Make it short cuz i dun wanna elaborate!!! JUS HAPPY VALENTINE!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 3:42 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009
*.* 7 February 2009 *.*
7 February 2009
Today band...12 to 3...b4 that went to meet diana and adabelle at elias mac eat...they do project i go do my homework... guai kia...Lol..haha...then after that go band...Band was great scolding...LOL...haha...hope it would be everytime like that....then after band went home...oh ya! why band mus be every saturday??? I gt so many things to do...Serving God and etc on Saturday... haiz.....If onli band is nt on Saturday, I can do my homework, serve God and many more things i can do....I hope SYF quickly END!!! haha...
(To God)
I really nid to be punish....Pls forgive me.... i realise my mistake....forgive me..
7 more days to valentine uh? haha...ok that all...
Songtat~ still waiting for ur answer...
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 4:30 AM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
*.* 3 February 2009 *.*
3 February 2009
Chinese new year will end in abt 6 days time....haha...I LOVE MAHJONG!!! IT RULEZZZ!!!! Haha....had great fun playing mahjong wif a grp of friends last saturday....haha...Thanks for coming...
Nw i gonna say my words.... School is getting worser and worser each day...I am restless for the past few days.... It's so STRESS!!! I cant really conversion jus many things i gt to really catch up....i am so stress....White hair coming out like as if i am so old when i am jus 14 going to also restless....then after sku gt councillor meeting then band marching video....i gt really tired...Cant i jus get a break??? I have nt been online since like last week??? i am jus really tired....I nid a break.... Valentine day Coming in abt 11 days time...and what would i do on that day??? I dun noe...seriously dun noe...i am really stress.... I HOPE SOMEONE WOULD JUS COME AND CHEER ME UP...And i mean Someone.... but of coz it should be the
Songtat~Seriously tired...
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 3:57 AM