*.* 29 October 2007 *.*
29 October 2007
Haiz!!!Going 2E4 nxt year!!!Wondering if there will be lots of stress nxt year???What if the teacher is damn fierce???what will happen to me nxt year???Will i be happy in 2E4???jialak!!!I dun wan go 2E4 haha!!!Best class is the most stress!!!Standard very high!!!HOW???someone can console me???pls....Very pek cek!!!Will i still hang out wif my sec 1 friends???Todae early in the morning go whitesand ate KFC wif michelle sean elanor adabelle and trisha!!!HAHA!!!i late!!!HAHAAH!!!!Then go buy bdae present for ting hui!!!She is so paiseh lar!!!Face all red!!!But dun have Bdae bash for her!!!HAHAX!!!Then Mr Pan ask the horn section which is my section change to the cornet section place!!!Then we squeeze wif the cornet section!!!Haiz!!!The fengshui there no gd!!!Kena scolded by Mr Pan!!!Then vulgarities came out from.......(i dun wish to sae)!!!Mr Pan mayb quitting As a band teacher liao!!!Why he wan to quit???I dun wish to see him quit!!!He is a Very gd teacher even though he is a fierce teacher!!!But he is sometime gd and funny!!!I dun wan Mr Ong to teach!!!Even though he is nt like the type that will scold people!!!But to me Mr Pan is the best!!!Hope the band will Very well on the Sentosa Performance Including me!!!PLS DUN LET MR PAN QUIT!!!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 5:05 AM

Thursday, October 25, 2007
*.* 25 October 2007 *.*
25 October 2007haiz.......todae get back report book!!!Tis is what i get!!! English C5 ToTAL SCORE:550/800 Chinese A1 Maths A2 Science A2 Geography B3 History B3This is the bad result i get!!!haiz!!!Then after getting back result!!!We went to our nxt year class!!!HAHA IT WAS LIKE SIAO!!!MY CLASS BANG THE TABLE TILL TEACHER COME!!!LOLX!!!Spring Cleaning in class!!!So tired!!!Perspiring like siao!!!Onli 8 people stay in class clean!!!The rest all go for Maths Retest!!!It was like siao lar!!!8 people clean the whole class and help teacher do things!!!But i had a great fun!!!AFter spring cleaning we have a small party!!!ANd i am still PERSPIRING!!!siao de!!!Then party time teacher give small present for those whu help teacher alot and gd academic result!!!I gt the gift from teacher as i help my teacher as a CIP leader and i gt 5th position in class!!!haiz!!!Lost to someone!!somemore he is so ....................!!!then gt lucky draw!!!Everyone can get a prize but for those whu nv buy present then dun have lor!!I gt a GIrl gift sia!!!unlucky!!Then i give the gift to my mother lor!!!Wat A GREAT DAY I HAD TODAE!!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 12:29 AM

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
*.* 24 OCtober 2007 *.*
24 October 2007
wahh...leg pain like siao...todae after skool go home le!!!Nv go band!!!Then i go whitesand wif my friends!!!Then go out walk like siao!!!Leg gonna break!!!Have difficulty walking!!!then after going whitesand,i go out again!!!have dinner!!!Then my leg pain liao after that super pain!!!So idiot lar!!!I have a weak leg!!!haiz!!!Our band performance coming soon!!!I am so excited and scared!!!Later i ply wrong how???haiz!!!dun noe how to ply how???haiz!!!Going holidae soon le!!!so happy and sad too~~~We are all going different class!!!Sad!!!The laughters and funs has gone!!!Cant bear to leave my friends!!!And tml is the last day that we are 1E2 power!!!Hope nxt year,the sec 1E2 will also rocks!!!tml is the Physical Promotion Day!!!I tink no one go normal for my class!!!And which class will i go???I gt 5th in class position and 20plus(below 25) in level position!!!Which class will i go???Can anyone tell me!!I wan go wif my gd friends and sisters!!!I wan same class as them!!!I dun wan different class as them if nt i will be super the sad!!!Hope i will be same class as them!!!And pls forgive me!!!Can u pls forgive me???I am really sry!!!pls!!!No end of friendship!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 4:12 AM

*.* 22 October *.*
22 October 2007
haiz...bad mood todae!!!Very bad!!!stress!!!preparing 4 the 3rd of november performance at sentosa!!!So fed up lor!!!Kenna scolded by someone....then dun care jus continue and then diao him lor!!!haiz!!!Go home....quarrel wif my mother and little brother!!!haiz...tooo stressss!!!i felt regreted for quarreling!!!Is too stress!!!mus do so many things!!!Still have the CIP thing to do!!!lucky teacher todae nv ask me for it!!!Cuz i forgt to do!!!So lucky!!!But i wun miss this chance!!!Freaking stress!!!how i hope is that i can have a break!!!And someone would come and share wif my problems!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 5:52 AM

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
*.* 18 October 2007 *.*
18 october 2007it was a boring day todae!!!nth to do....exam over then dun nid study!!!!So sianz!!!haiz!!!Dun noe what to do!!!Heartbroken!!!Hopeless!!!I gt 3As onli!!!So few!!!Badly done!!!Dun noe if i will go express or nt!!!Hope so i will!!!And wonder if i will be the same class as my 3 gd friends!!!HAizzz!!!Todae raining!!!Haiz!!!I wanted to go down and have fun!!Let hope so it will stop raining!!!I also wan to relieve my sadness and grieve!!!pls!!Stop raining!!!So Tired and sad...................................
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 9:18 PM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
*.* 10 0ctOber *.*
10 0ct0ber 2007
yeah!!!exams over!!!!No more Stress!!!More Time!!!More Relax!!!And more Shiok!!!!But band starting le!!!haiz So fast start!!!sianz!!!!no time to relax!!!!Anywae exams finished gd le!!!!Will i get 4As????!!!!Hope so!!!hahah!!!!todae after exam!!!!then go ply le!!!Ply wif my friends Games and stuff!!!i am having a Greeeeeeeeeeeat Fun!!!!!Nothing much to blog!!!Anywae EXam has gone!!!!till nxt year!!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 2:39 AM

*.* 8 October 2007 *.*
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 12:35 AM

*.* Hillsong United *.*
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 12:17 AM

Saturday, October 6, 2007
*.* 6 October 2007 *.*
6 0ct0ber 2007finally,
4paper finished. left 3 paper to go!!!How???So excited and scare at the same time!!!haha!!!Finally i have put lots of songs in my blog!!!Nt jus that song!!!by the way i delete the one way song!!!And put ltos of songs!!!!Come and enjoy!!!!
THE CHILD OF GOD blogged @ | 12:06 AM