Jeremiah Toh Song Tat 16 going 1713July94
add me at single/inlove/attached born again to serve God as a disciple of His
YEAH!!!!!I FINALLY QUIT SB!!!IS A WASTE OF TIME AND SO BORING AND LAME!!!!Why am i so stupid to join that thing in the first place and make so many trouble!!!I AM Such a asshole to join that thing!!!But lucky i quit and no more worries for me!!!But I AM DAMN FED UP AND ANGRY!!!!THE TEACHER SAE I CAN QUIT AND STILL SAE I GT ATTITUDE PROBLEM!!!IN THE FIRST PLACE I DUN EVEN WAN TO JOIN THAT THING AND THAT WHY I SHOW HER ATTITUDE!!!!GIVe me such a lame and meaningless work to do!!!and she sae in future whatever i do i will fail but nt succeed!!!IF i am the boss i will fail and teacher will dislike me!!!I am like so fed up lor!!!i wan quit onli then sae me till like tis!!!CURSE ME SOMEMORE!!!I regretted joining that thing!!!I AM stupid!!! Go in the bus and another teacher sae me attitude problem again!!!like nt happy like tis!!!Indeed i nt happy but that does nt mean i have attitude problem!!!i am badly hurt!!!IS jus like I have been STABBED TWICE AND IT WAS BLEEDING!!!then in the bus i cried!!!is like so pain inside my heart!!!and i kept tinking of what the teacher said to me!!!And i am nt going to forget it!!! Reach suntec city!!!Went to the exhibit and see lots of environment thingy!!!Then i saw mee toh school thing .i am like shock lor near my hse the school also can go there!!!!IS like lol!!!!haha!!!then i went to find my school de!!!There was no one there and onli some blue colour thing was there!!!IT was like a disgrace haha!!!I felt bad!!!Then take photo wif my friends!!!!then we went to a corner and ply games!!!WE plyed murderer heartattack and listen songs!!!HAHA!!!What a joy!!!then after that we went back to school!!!And i went home but nt going to pasir ris park as my friend did nt wan to go!!!Ya that all!!!I have a sad and HAppy dae!!!Is an unstable emotion!!!
SONGTAT.....FED UP AND ANGRY!!!!(Feel like beating people)